Saturday, January 03, 2009

Just came back home from S-club, a new pub which I got to know today. Introduced by Karen. Nice recommendation! Is a good place and not many people go. Price also quite reasonable!
So had a little surprise for Chris at the pub, had cake, sing songs, try on her 'birthday present'!!!
Wait for the sexy photos!!! Hahah:) Had fun tonight! And need to thanks Phoebe for billing the drinks for tonight first plus Karen, Rayne and Sujun for paying the presents' money. We are so damn broke now! Hahah:)
Photos will be uploaded soon yeah:)
I'm doing a mask now. Hahah:) Spend some little time to take care of my face, or else going CNY, I don't want my face to be like shit! Hahah:)
Tmr got to work and meeting Chris and don't know who, after my work. Gonna be a long & tiring day.
I still had loads of shows waiting for me to watch, but I shall wait, can't watch it tonight. Cos' once start can't stop! Hahah:)
Got to go do some other stuff before I slp.
gisiang. andiloveSID0702:)

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