Sunday, November 01, 2009

First time stepping into a STUDIO!

Today I woke up early like 7.15am, just like the timing I go to sch.
I went to help out for Vonne and Zm's website photoshoot. Model was Rayne, Studio was Glenn's. Cabbed to Glenn's studio with like 2boxes of clothes and 1 big bag of Bags!
It's the first time I'm stepping into a studio. It was quite cool. Hahahah:) Can really take nice pictures! So 8hrs of shooting in total and it was really hard on Rayne. Need to keep changing. Hahaha:) Esp the last part when we were rushing for time. The most troublesome part of measuring each clothing size still got to leave it to Zm and Vonne! Jiayou bah! Hahahah:)
I today just went there steam iron the clothes!!! Hahahah:) So fun, I'm professional steam iron person liao!
So when they are all busy, I took a few pictures. Take a look!

And I was just helping out already so tired... Kelian de Rayne, after this still need go work another job. Hahahah:) And more suay is, RAINING AGN! And is so much worse than ystd. Super heavy rain, really BIG!!! Poor us got caught in the rain while trying to go into the cab and still need to carry so many things. Hahahah:) Today really need thanks Rayne for helping! Hahaha:) Overall still quite fun! And very sad is the toilet there is SQUAT!!! I got to go all the way down to a coffee shop to use their toilet.....
That's all for the day and conclusion is Rayne is really skinny & lightings really create great impact on photos!
Lastly, thanks Vonne for buying me so much stuff from Bkk! Bedroom slippers, makeup pouch, mirror, rubberband and hairband! Hahahah:) And I'm using the Bedroom slippers now!!! Thanks, loveit!
Bye people, I'm so tired. And I can't believe that tmr I got to think of STUDIO, MY FITNESS CENTRE!!! INSPIRATION PLS COME INTO MY DREAMS TONIGHT!!! IDEAS!
gsiang. ineedIdeas for studio....

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