Sunday, November 03, 2013

BracesJourney 12

Just because I'm bored, sick and tired from revising for exams... that's why I'm blogging at this hour.
Shall update on braces since it always short and the photos are ready! 
This set of photos were taken in August.
My teeth are already very straight. Just closing up the gaps and I'm done!

Bottom row is super neat and I love it! :)
It was really super duper ugly before I had braces.

It looks like white braces but it's actually baby blue.
I think white braces looks nice and I'm gonna change it to white soon!

I can't wait to remove my braces...
Braces hasn't stop me from having ANY kind of food... other than can't biting a whole apple.
So isn't that bad for me :)

Exams in less than 2 weeks time but I'm still not in the mood to study.
Trying very hard to concentrate and write some notes.
I'm just hoping for a pass. P L E A S E ?
I'm dying to travel, flying to somewhere. Hoping for Bali, Phuket or any beach...
Taiwan will be awesome but tickets are just too exp.
If I don't get to travel, I can only wait for my Bangkok trip in early Jan.

Ok, gonna youtube a bit and go to bed.
Tmr gonna be a keep fit day for me. GYM+SWIM!
Goodnight friends!